Upcoming Events
Click on an event for more information.
Who We Are:
Tidewater Big Train Operators Club (TBTO) has existed since its founding in 1985. The organization’s continuous existence places it among the oldest garden railroad clubs in the US. Being family oriented, the club membership consists of over 65 families from the greater Tidewater area, Richmond, Virginia, and Northeastern North Carolina, and beyond. Majoring in G, 1/2, and 3/8 scales on Gauge 1.

TBTO Activities Include:
- Promotion of family enjoyment of the large scale train hobby through sharing model and garden railroading skills while promoting fellowship among it’s members.
- Displays of model trains to entertain and educate the general public on various aspects of the hobby thus providing education and historical perspective relating to America’s rail industry.
- Assisting charitable organizations by providing model railroading displays in support of various fund raising activities. An annual Holiday Train Show, consisting of many layouts is exhibited and free to the public.
- Supporting various educational displays at schools and libraries.
The Tidewater Big Train Operators, Inc. membership continues to grow each year while we also seek to expand public contact with children of all ages (from 5-105).
Need more information?
How to Join the TBTO:
So you want to join the TBTO. Fantastic!
Click on the link below to open the application. When you have filled it out click “SUBMIT”. Once we receive it, we will contact you with information about the next meeting.